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Around 3:15 a.m. Saturday, an officer spotted Michael wholesale stainless steel Jr. intoxicated on the porch of a home at 117 E. Elizabeth Ave., police said. Torres was swaying back and forth, vomited into the yard and then slumped onto a porch chair, according to court papers. An officer said Torres is associated with the Latin Kings and was wearing a set wholesale lampwork beads black-and-gold beads, a hallmark of the gang, according to court records. Torres smelled of alcohol and told officers he had been at a bar before walking to his girlfriend's house. As officers patted him down, Torres broke from their hold and ran down Grenadier Boulevard, police said. During wholesale seed beads chase, Bethlehem police officer Louis Csazar told another officer he felt a gun in Torres' pocket during the pat-down. As Torres fled, officers saw him throw an object into the rear yard of a home in the 1200 block of Center Street, police said. During the chase, police said.

Par ugglaugh le mardi 08 mars 2011


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