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Peter Jardim leads five bell ringers recruited from the audience wholesale stainless steel a funny audience participation segment. Dressed as gingerbread men, Yonas Alemu and Tariku Degefa engage in a dazzling display of foot juggling that gives new meaning to the expression "tossing your cookies." As Mrs. Claus, Yulia Bilekno balances on pointe on the forehead of Oleg Zarubin, who plays Santa Claus. Many wholesale lampwork beads these 30 accomplished, limber and inventive daredevils trained at institutions such as the Kiev State College Variety and Circus Arts School, the Ethiopia Gymnastic Federation and the Beijing Acrobatic School. Others come with domestic credits such as "American Idol" season five semi-finalist Matthew wholesale seed beads, Denise Nicole Estrada and Julie Wacksman, who appear as Dickens, The Ice Queen and Angel, and serve as semi-official show hosts and singers. Those performances are the exception to a recorded soundtrack of mostly forgettable background music and a trio of holiday classics -- "Jingle Bell Rock," "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" and "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."

Par ugglaugh le mercredi 09 mars 2011


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