Glisten; Fern Stacy, Santa Claus decoration; Lori Edmo Suppah, wholesale stainless steel bracelet; Vivian Wahtomy, silver earrings/Native...Newe' Creations Winter Craft Fair committee would like to announce the holiday raffle winners for December 17 drawing. Congratulations to the raffle winners please pick up prizes at the Sho-Ban News office. We would like to thank all the many artisans and vendors wholesale lampwork beads made donations for the fundraising raffle. The raffle money made will go towards future events and to make them even better. Thanks for supporting us and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2011. Winners are as listed with their prize following: Shawnie Sammaripa, queen blanket; Linda Roberts, candy apple wholesale seed beads set; Tetonia Pabawena, Christmas wreath; Greg Stacy, sand painted feather; Clive Tissidimit, purple ribbon shirt; Marlene Duran ,blue ribbon shirt; Janelle Edmo, Christmas wreath; Jackelyn McKean, jewelry box; Linda Roberts, Christmas kid's basket; Latisha Herkshan, beaded gold earrings; Shirley Southwell, pink beaded necklace; Adam Rodriquez, beaded purple necklace;
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