When the downtown market was established in the mid-20th century by Central wholesale shell beads refugees, mostly from Bukhara in Uzbekistan, it introduced the concept of the one-stop-souk to Jordan, providing customers an outlet for almost all their needs, Bukhari merchant Mohammad, better known as Abu Mahmoud, told The Jordan Times. Mohammad Bukhari, 62, the head of Al Husseini Mosque committee, pointed wholesale hematite beads that the story of the Bukhariah community started around 92 years ago, when his family and many others fled their hometowns in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, fearing communist persecution after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. "Some youths decided to leave their countries to protect their Islamic wholesale wood beads," explained Abdullah Bukhari, the director of the Bukhariah Society, an umbrella organisation for the new generation of Bukhari immigrants in Jordan. The journey to reach Amman took months, he said. "They left their hometowns without letting their families know because they wouldn't have approved," noted 42-year-old Khaled Bukhari, who works with his father.
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